2-01-11 by dave

This morning was cold, not Wyoming or Montana cold, but it was cold enough for me. The overnight snow drew the faithful, who showed up for the festivities, backing the Tram line up significantly.  The Peruvian chair was totally vacant, as the wind and Frost Bite conditions drew the folks to seek cover.  The Snow was so cold that it felt like sticky dry flour, which gave me a lot of trouble, dealing with the crusty variability combined with the dense grabbiness of the new snow.   It was really giving me fits trying to find a direct line.  The cold density of the new product is slowly beginning to get compacted, providing a bit more cushion than yesterday, but the bottom was still fully in play top to bottom.  I was still working the lines that I went with yesterday, as I knew they were still going to hold the smooth that I know and love.  I did venture out the Cirque Traverse, where the east facing seemed to hold the deepest deposits.  The entrances are a bit scratchy in places and still should be dealt with sternly.  Tomorrow look for the cold conditions to get even more intense, so be sure to bring that extra layer and all the extra gear to keep you comfy.  I saw some brutal frost bit cheeks on the plaza, so cover up.  The Groomers will be going off, and I will be hitting them to get my motor running and up to temperature.  I will have the heat on full blast, not to mention the defroster.  If you know of some kind of wax that will deal with this kind of cold, let me know.  My skis feel like a tongue on a flag pole… ouch!!   Check out this cold corona over COLD CORONAWilbre Bowl, you can just feel the cold from looking at it!!   IBBY!!

6 Responses to “STICKY COLD”

  1. UtRider says:

    Glad to hear it wasn’t just me who suffered from the sticky snow. I like your tongue on a flagpole analogy. My knees are sore this evening and I’m blaming the grabby snow!

  2. Dr. Nebz says:

    I use the 12 degree and colder One Ball Jay wax for when it is this cold. You can iron that on, and you can also rub it on and smooth that on with some cork. Worked great last time we had this kind of cold spell earlier this season.

  3. turnin pete says:

    where was my dark green wax when i needed it. couldn’t find it anywhere at snowbird.all the shops use dark blue which isn.t cold enough. my skinny disco sticks were not as sticky, but waxless skiis would have been better. chow!

  4. Mary Laflamme says:

    BRIGHT IDEA FOR YOU!! Could you get a camera helmet and take us down a slope with you, audio descriptions and all! Add some video to the blog for those of us who are too chicken to go where you and your buddies venture. I have many brilliant ideas, but I will only bore you with one for today! From your FAVORITE sister.

  5. Jeff says:

    The only wax I have found that makes a difference in this cold weather is a purple or magenta – for Air Temp 5 degrees and below. I picked some up at the Lift House in November. Seems to reduce the grab quite a bit. They should have some at Christys also. Hope it works for ya!

  6. Peter Fallon says:

    Hey Dave,
    Snowing like a bitch in NYS. Heading up to Sugarbush this weekend for a rare glimpse of Eastern powder .
    Cleaning house this week and looking closely for 70’s Sizzler master tape. Will keep you informed and will ship as soon as I uncover it.
    See you in March…
    Peter F

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