12-21-12 by dave

The only thing that seemed out of the ordinary today was the high wind that provided some of the best snow of the season as it was deposited in large amounts on the Northeast aspects and the low lying hollows.  The other aspects were getting stripped clean down to the crusty layer.  The good lines were as good as it gets.  It gets deeper but it does not get better.  Those in the know worked the high lines that stood up to the traffic all day with only marginal rumble as a result.  Mineral Basin had a delayed opening and was offering some variable sections with some perfect Grooming lines that invited a solid slice and dice approach.  Baldy Express opened of the first time, but the wind had scoured that area, so the quality was found where the wind deposited the transported snow.  Be sure to look for the long lines of goodness for the sweet ride.  Tomorrow, be aware that the wind has worked those steep exposed aspects, leaving them very sketchy, so scope out the lines before committing on those.  The West facing is going to be quite icy and slick, so look for the tenderizing efforts on those sections.  With more snow in the forecast early next week it is good to get a good look at the terrain as it is now before it gets covered.  A good dose of high density will make it all go away.  The hill is set up for greatness as most of the areas are  now open and the options are wide open.  See you Sunday!!!   Peace out!

 Wind Sculpted

Wind Sculpted

3 Responses to “STILL HERE”

  1. M.J. says:

    D.P. Loved your book! As we picked our first run all of your secrets

    came to play. Wow!! That was a great time to be in that place. Thanks!

  2. Kyle Wagstaff says:

    Hey Dave:
    It’s looking better than last year, but it’s still a bit ominous how the expectations keep getting ratcheted down on the forecasts. Surfing in SoCal was very different this fall than last, with the storms this year so far digging a bit deeper south and messing up conditions more–but not getting into that tropical moisture that creates the legendary (for skiers and surfers both) Pineapple Express. I think the worst is over, but the recovery might be a bit flat. I’ll say “Hi” when I get over to the frontside sometime. Also, my e-mail changed (sorry).
    See ya!

  3. Joni says:

    Great description of conditions yesterday and thanks again for the run. It was indeed “as good as it gets.”

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