1-15-24 by dave

The Canyon opened this morning and the hill opened as well after mitigation efforts had been completed. There were lenticular formations hanging on the peak, indicating the winds up high were still nukin’. The new product was very dense and floaty, but it was cold and dry so it felt smooth and buoyant. Limited lifts were open to start, but Gad Zoom and Gad 2 were added later to augment the available terrain.

It just keeps coming, as soon as it is cleared more is installed day after day. What a cycle.

Tomorrow, look for more terrain to open, wind affected snow to be prevalent, but look to the trees for some protected goodness. I expect much better vis as the storm has moved off, but there is another healthy storm just upstream poised to unload on Wednesday. I will be looking forward to dialing in those lines I have been avoiding due to the high amplitude variations. The hill is hitting it’s stride and any more accumulation going forward will be icing on the cake. See you there dark and early for the carving delights. Straight Ahead!!!

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