Still Slammin’

4-15-09 by dave

The rain pounded all night on the roof of the communications trailer, again, keeping me awake.  This was gonna be big, I thought, and I was right.  The faithful converged on the hill after holding off for x-many days and made up for lost time.  Yesterday’s high density product created the perfect foundation for today’s snow, which was deep and perfectly blastable.  There was at least knee deep shots wall to wall as each area opened in due course.  The bump features, having been flattened in the past days, left the big shots shredable and so those that could did.  I rode a Peruvian chair, due to a packed Tram line, and watched as the full court press was in full effect.  Cliff launching and hard driving was the game plan where ever I looked.  Quite a sight. The morning session skied much like a mid December storm, but with out the cold.  The relative warmth, however, began to set the product up toward noon, when the dreaded ratchet chop came up on the lower mountain.  The sun tried to poke out but was quickly obscured by continued snow, which intensified as the afternoon progressed.   The storm should continue to pile up the goods for tomorrow, so another epic morning is in store.  For myself, the long arm of the dark side has required my presence off planet for tomorrow so I will not be able to partake, but know that I will be keeping watch via the Hyper Space viewer;  I know you all will make me proud.  I must walk through the Star Gate now!! IBBY!!!

One Response to “Still Slammin’”

  1. you are SOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky keep on enjoyin

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