3-03-18 by dave

I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop after all the hype this storm cycle has been getting. I am on a hurry up and wait mode and am holding my best visualizations for the coming front. There was fair visibility up on the hill and the clouds were high over the hill. I kept checking the horizon for the Wall Of Voodoo, but I “guess” it will roll through tonight, with more on the way going forward. Here is a shot of Timp. I took Thursday with that quick spot of Sunshine. Tomorrow, look for a storm day, which should be very interesting. The wind and snow will be a feature, so dress for the weather. When I left the hill yesterday, it was being prepped by the wind and the big North aspects were getting quite smooth, so look for a much better ride on the substrate. I expect fair pressure for the goods and I will be taking a very relaxed approach to the day in all ways. I like to finish my coffee after I went to so much trouble to brew it up just right. I am excited for the prospects for this storm and I will stroll in and get a handle on the situation. See you there in the AM for the freshies. See the Line, BE the Line!!

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