2-10-14 by dave

The recent series of storms began to move out as some Sun began to poke through the cloud as the day progressed.  The earlier accumulations of the past days seemed to set up a bit with the harbor chop fairly widespread with some crust showing through in places.  That old layer is evident in places where the wind had stripped off all of the recent accumulation.  Out on the Cirque Travers, the cover has improved, however, the high relief diagonal crosshatch is still a real feature.  It will still be advisable to pay heed to the variations.  The Groomers were covered with the overnight accumulation and offered the smoothest ride in the variable visibility.  Baldy and Mineral Basin opened today but went very quickly with the today’s traffic.  The old interference pattens are still in play, though it is fairly easy to draw out some longer turns and mitigate the impact.   Tomorrow, look for a nice day as the Sun returns before the next impulse moves in, the groomers to offer very nice carving, and lots of room to put the hammer down.  Traffic should be much lighter, and remember that the Road to Provo still waits to be opened.  A much more direct approach to the fall line can be counted on, but still expect to find some features to still be part of the mix.  Here is a shot of the recent accumulation resting on the pines.  I love it when you get such high contrast detail in the surroundings.  Stay Frosty!!DSC01828

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