4-17-15 by dave

The wind was still blowing out of the East and clouds clung to the peak as the first Tram docked this morning.  The temps. were still quite cold and, with the stiff wind, I was glad that I dressed for the weather.   The Groomers were offering the smooth velvet feel, though the visibility made it a bit tough to see the details.  I accidentally drove off the prepared lines and it nearly knocked me over.  The off trail was a bit variable, depending on aspect, with the High North offering the best consistency, and when the Sunday Cliffs opened, there was a whole new area to mine.  The traffic was back to normal after the past couple of days of heavy pressure, and that opened up the hill and reduced the congestion of some of the choke points.  There were a couple of spots that revealed the old layer after having been stripped off by the wind, but it was easy to see the color variance that indicated it’s presence.  The wind had not yet begun to build the threads of wind lines, however that feature might show up tomorrow.  Here is a shot of three of my dearest friends who have walked the path with me all these years.  I have not seen them in some time and it was such a treat to be surrounded by their bright energy.  Thanks for sharing the ride ladies!!!  DSC02805Tomorrow, look for improving weather, plenty of left over soft lines all over the hill, and beautifully prepared Groomers to get the day started with high energy ripping.  The off trail will still be good to go, and you will find fairly smooth lines all over the hill.  Be aware of those crusty spots that have been stripped off by the wind, but as previously noted, they are easy to spot.  They are very greasy, so cross them with caution.  I will be taking the day off to get ready for next weeks festivities.  There will be music on the Plaza, so stay for the fun.   Ciao!!

One Response to “STORM REMENANTS”

  1. Dan and Jill Williams says:

    We’re finally on the road back east 3 days later than planned, as our attendance was required (by us) for the fun fest of the past few days.Couldn’t miss that!
    It might have been a low snow year, but the skiing was still great most of the time. Have a good summer and we’ll see you again nest year.

    J and D

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