2-15-10 by dave

Monday was a full on storm day with persistent wind and continuous snow throughout the day.  The density was high with gropple building up offering a smooth and carve-able surface top to bottom. The buff rubbed off on the West facing as the day wore on creating slick spots which were hard to see with the very limited visibility.  Walk on Trams were easy to make all day, giving you the opportunity to max  out the vertical and get the most out of the soft goodness.   It is now fully socked in here in the valley with snow continuing into the evening.  Tomorrow will offer some great turns for the early birds, but I am sure the quality will hold up well after Noon with the low traffic.  Most of the choke points are still not holding the snow, so use caution as you drop through those obvious sections.  The cover above and below is solid, it just is not sticking to the spots that get the heavy use.  This dense snow will help with that issue as it builds up and blows into these areas.  The wind will play a great role overnight, so be looking for filled in sections on the lift up.  More snow is forecast Wednesday helping the overall average get up to 100%.  I am thinking that we will see, at least, average snowfall before the year is out.  See you there early and ready to rock!!! Ciao!

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