12-14-16 by dave

It was a stormy day on the hill, with a few inches of high density product to start things out.  I stuck with the tried and true wind lines I have been plying of late, but some aspects took a hit from the wind  and had returned to a breakable crust, when just yesterday they were soft and supportable.  The hill changes just that fast, and with such a stout wind blowing it changes by the hour. Both sides of the hill were feeling about the same, but the low angle lines were the best quality.  The old layer is still in play and must be addressed, but overall the soft feel is getting more wide spread.  I kept doing laps on the lines I had dialed in to take full advantage of the threads of goodness that had set up on both sides of the hill.  These are some of the best days of the season, with no crowd, smooth lines, soft snow, and good consistency all day  long.  I stopped on the peak to spend some time at The Summit to chill while the storm raged outside.  dsc04162I was talking to Team Martin here at the corner table looking out over the deck.  They have just moved here for real and are very stoked to be right at the foot of the hill.  Nice to have a back yard like this.  There is a lot of work being done to get Mineral Basin ready to open for the season.  There has been no word on a date, but I think it will be very soon.  I am looking forward to the mornings back there.   Tomorrow, look for additional accumulation to have fallen.  There may be a bit more traffic with the new snow, but we will see how it all shakes out.  I think the bottom will still be in effect, but this dense snow has been cushioning the ride quite a bit and more will only be better.  See you for the first Boat.  IBBY!!

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