9-27-15 by dave

The Summer warmth is still holding on this late in September, making the days up on the hill pleasant and fun.   The Octoberfest was full on going off once again this weekend, and the vibe was great.  Once again, I took a Tram to the peak to check out the progress.  Mr. Duckworth showed me the new developments first hand.  Here is a great shot of him pointing out the details.  DSC03161The exterior deck is now complete and very expansive.  Check out this shot of from the corner looking South.   This will be a great place to hang out  and chill on those pleasant days that areDSC03163sure to make that a great option.   The colors are at their high point now, but are going to be falling off soon.  Here is a shot of the Aspens on the lower mountain.    This is a sure sign that theDSC03159Winter is not far away, but the forecast is for continued warm days for the next while.  I also took this shot looking down canyon with the vast reaches nicely detailed in the clear air.  That is  DSC03162some formidable terrain that is just waiting for the return of the Essential Substance that will begin coming back from the Big Cycle in the not to far distant future.  I am looking forward to a great season.  Be sure to check out my book, which is now only 2.99 as an E version.  Just click on the banner on the top of the page to go to the Snowbird Secrets site.  Be sure to visit Jackson Hogen’s site, which is linked on my links page.  He has been putting up a lot of very good, critical  information on equipment  that will be invaluable going into the season.  Stay Frosty!!!

One Response to “SUMMER WARMTH”

  1. marie says:

    nice post. Nice to see Mr. Duckworth. A stable member of the Snowbird fabric.

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