1-28-13 by dave

No one was caught napping this morning as the faithful showed up ready to partake of the fresh installment delivered overnight.  The Tram was backed up early, but the Chairs were fairly uncrowded, letting you get up the hill while others were still waiting in line.  Mineral Basin opened a bit later in the morning, and that pulled the traffic over to sample that area’s full on shred fest.  The untracked did not last long, but the cut up crud was still soft and blast-able until after 2:00 PM when the harbor chop set up, making the ride a bit more interesting.  This  installment was just what we needed to cover the existing hard pack and fill in those travese features, deep set bumps, and all those sections that suffered from the wind scouring.  The air was full of hoots and hollers as everyone was blown away with the quality of the scrumptulecent Essence.  Tomorrow, look for additional accumulation  to have fallen over night and the storm to fill in duringDSC01228 the day, making it another storm riding day.   Visibility will be at a premium, so head for the trees, which have been helped out a lot from this addition.  Sections I was not considering before, I have now got on the list of runs to do.  Check the road conditions in the AM. as there might be some restrictions, so get the 411.  We are now in the DEEP ZONE, so take advantage of this cycle as it unfolds.  Here is a shot of the Upper Mountain just after the Peruvian side of the hill opened.  It looks cold, because it was cold, preserving the goodness.    MMMMMM  GOOOD!!!   IBBY!!!


  1. Josh says:


    Great talking to you waiting in line for the interstellar shuttle… I was next to the Aussie with the Dynastar 97’s. I read your blog everyday and have for years. I sing praises of the Bird to everyone I know hoping someday they will know the feeling of floating weightless in the essence. I’m so thankful for the precious few days a year I am lucky enough to get away from the hustle and bustle of “Hotlanta” and dive in. Today truly was an epic ride and I’m already plotting an early March mission… I got a fever and the only RX is Powder…. Always more Powder. Take some turns for all of us poor saps grinding away in the “real world”…. I know you will. Enjoy the fresh! Looks like the cycle is on. I’ll drop by your office and say hi next time I’m out..

    Peace, Love and Powder


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