3-17-10 by dave

Wednesday morning offered 360 degrees of exposures to chose from, each having its own characteristics.  The North faces held the cold with the exception of the very lowest elevations. The West, South, and adjacent shots where fully frozen solid courtesy of a hard overnight freeze.   The Groomers on the North facing were the best choice for the morning session providing crushed velvet consistency up high with crustiness beginning for the last 800′.   Chips Face had been mowed extra further to the left turning up cold dry and beautiful corduroy , causing me to throttle back to absorb the sweet rarity of the special effort.  The lower Primrose Path has been closed for race preparations.  I did get one free run before they closed it off and I can tell you it was very nice, though the crustiness was working on the lower half.  Moving out into Mineral Basin, I took advantage of the Sun and vacant runs, working the subtle shifts of exposure to get the best quality.  Just a few degrees can make all the difference, so use your inner sense to find the sweet lines.  The South and West facing did not thaw out until 12:30 – 1:00PM.  when they began to break.  Mineral went off earliest, with spring conditions on the most exposed shots.  Very nice and carve-able.   Big Emma held off the longest, resisting softening until 1:00 PM., though the Grooming crew had re-tilled the  Surface to improve the traction.  The FreeRide World Championship contest is being held this week with the best talent in the World attending, so be sure to stop and watch the runs for true amazement.  How do they do it? How is it humanly possible?   I don’t know .  Watch and learn.  Weather moving in will deliver flat light and a slim chance of any significant softening during the day, so plan on staying focused on the North exposures, which will still hold on to the cold despite the warmth of today.  The Groomers may well re-till the most popular runs, so check the grooming report.  Snow moving in is predicted, so please use your best visualization techniques to encourage a big dump.  See you dark and early.   Peace Out.!!

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