Sun dog sky

2-13-09 by dave

Beautiful clear morning with the peak dead calm on the early trams.  Once again a few inches of angle dust freshened every thing up.  Continued cold temps have kept the snow quality excellent all over.  Cold smoke every where I looked.  The sun was partially obscured by high clouds as the next storm approaches.  Light wind is unusual during an approach but we’ll see.  Touring opened today and I took a quick look see and it was really perfect.  What a treat to be out there and take your time with the line.  Clouds continued to increase and a large sun dog around the sun was  a good sign of things to come.  They have not been wrong yet. Established bump areas continue to be tricky with the light density not giving much in the way of slack .  Ignored areas still are fairly smooth and consistent and will be first call with new snow.  Temps remained cold all day and the lights went out as snow started filling in for the next go round!!!!  The weather looks promising and I think this will be a Feb. for the books.   Continued machine work has been unreal and those areas are holding up for some days so remember those .  It is the deep zone now.

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