1-08-24 by dave

This morning was sunny and cold, with a strong push by The Faithful to be there for the opening of new terrain, and they were not disappointed. The temps. preserved the dry quality of the new accumulation and the Sun did not bake it at all, however, some of the North East aspects were a tad wind affected and were grabby at times. Going for the know smooth wind buffed lines of last week paid bonuses with consistent turns and light fluffy quality that blew up in the coveted face shots.

Steve C sent this nice shot looking down the line of Lone Pine this morning. Sweet goodness, but the access is very sketchy.

The Road To Provo opened as well, offering soft lines, but the interference patterns were building fast and the amplitude was very high and required a slow deliberate approach to avoid a brutal beating trying to negotiate the deep troughs.

Neil sent this shot looking down Canyon from the Bass Highway.

With the high traffic, most of the popular lines are really building wide spread interference patterns right to the edges of the lines, making it a bit tough to escape and resume smooth turning. Tomorrow, look for more outlying sections to, perhaps, open. Cold temps will still be in play, so dress for the cold and use some cold snow wax as some of today’s aspects were feeling like Velcro. I expect brisk attendance, but the lifts have been dealing with the influx nicely and there is minimal waiting. Snow should begin again mid day as a new impulse is moving in for the next couple days. These are the days we have been waiting for, so enjoy the new soft snow. Dial it up, Dial it in!!

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