It was a clear cold morning with a touch of wind working the ridge tops. On the hill, the Groomers were off the chart smooth, with that perfect density of the last installment. The leftover sections opened, with incredible powder that, if you tried to describe it, would seem like an exaggeration, yet it was all real. Here is a shot of Mikey M on Baldy getting the powder blast that came with every turn. The air stayed cold despite the Sun, which kept the quality nicely refrigerated, however, there were aspects that were affected and became a tad manky, but they were isolated and the hill remained soft and smooth all day long. This last installment really helped out the conditions in a big way, with the higher density followed up by the lighter density Essence that fell overnight. Tomorrow, look for the storm to begin moving in. Traffic will probably be quite brisk, so work the chair options to get up the hill faster. I did that yesterday when the Tram backed up, and it was quick and fast to the top. Look for the Groomers to be offering the best smooth lines that will let you dial in that inner Ligety.
As a parting shot, I off this unusual shot of the Powder Bird landing on the ridge during an epic day with Wasatch Powderbird Guides. I was very honored to be included on this day of a lifetime. I will be taking the day off tomorrow, so enjoy the incoming storm. Don’t Forget To SIZZLE!!
3-16-18 by dave