2-23-16 by dave

It was a perfect morning for shredding the Groomers that had been prepared for today’s festivities.  The Sun was out in force, with clear blue skies that made every view a technicolor postcard image.  The last of yesterday’s accumulation was available for the early risers, and I got a nice wind deposited line down Silver Dipper that kept me on my toes with the underlying rumble, which was a bit hard to guess with  the fresh covering.  Over on the Lewis and Clark lap, Ski Patrol Gully had been opened and there were great lines of freshness on top of the wind packed aspects there.  Here is a shot of my turns on the upper section.  There was plenty of room to choose from, with the more Northwest aspects offering superior underlying smooth.  DSC03590On the second pitch, I got this rare action shot of Jake getting some of the deeper pockets that were piled up there by the wind.  We just had to make numerous laps out there before it was DSC03594discovered and consumed.  On the front of the hill, beautiful lines were still available on the High North lines, with even the Middle Cirque still offering smooth dry dust that had yet to be affected by the Sun.  Excellent grooming had been prepared on those usual big drops that just dialed up the stoke for the top to bottom pace.  Light traffic made the vertical easy to get.  Even though the Sun was up, those morning temps. and cooler afternoon temps. kept the quality high and fun all day long.  Tomorrow, look for another beautiful day of ground pounding ripping all over the hill.  The fresh groomers will be fast and consistent, and those Sun drenched lines in Mineral Basin will be calling for the morning session.  The hill is in great shape, and no matter where you go, with the exception of those due South aspects, will be fun and memorable.  See you there for the shredfest in the AM.  Don’t Forget To SIZZLE!!

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