4-21-11 by dave

More snow fell overnight, and with it came wind out of the South West, filling in the High North aspects.  These shots were so good I scarcely could believe the improvement over yesterday.  The Grooming crew were back up to speed, bringing back the old standbys, and included another stellar treatment of Lower Silver Fox.  I just kept lapping the goodness with no pressure for the lines all morning long.  The visibility was quite good, with the wind moving the fresh snow continually into the High North for every run. It took a bit of time for the lower Mountain to soften into the sherbet consistency  that we know and love, but become so it did, and I was getting it all as fast as I could lap it.  At 2:00PM. a wall of Voodoo moved up the Canyon, bringing with it lightning, thunder, high winds, and pelting grauple that inflicted painful impacts on my face!! Ouch!!  With the lightning, the lifts were shut down while the impulse moved through.  I took that opportunity to bail before the road became an issue.  We may see some additional accumulation overnight, so look for continued excellent conditions, with super smooth North facing aspects to kick things off.  This season is pushing all the records, and the aspects are so full that the terrain features are disappearing, and new entrances are opening up that I have never seen accessible.  It is Super Fat wall to wall.  Here is a shot of the Valley just before the Wall of Voodoo moved up the Canyon. Scary!!!   See you in the AM.   Peace Out!!


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