3-27-11 by dave

The Canyon was very greasy this morning, as the heavy snow fall really came fast and hard.  The 8 to 10” of Essence was perfect,with just the right amount of density to make the ride soft and blastable.  Mineral Basin and Little Cloud were held off for a bit, but the front of the hill was sufficient to keep everyone occupied until they got open.   The Tram was backed up, but the chairs were walk on free, providing rapid access to the hill, where I was able to get untracked run after run, as everyone was stuck in the Tram line.  The Sun was out in full force, but the cold temps. kept the snow from going South, remaining soft and resisting the Harbor Chop build up.  That was a nice treat indeed.   After 1 PM. the clouds moved back in ahead of the next installment, further preserving the quality for any additional accumulation we might receive. Tomorrow, look for another exceptional day, with some new accumulation and very fat coverage wall to wall.  The old crusty layer is now only minimally felt under foot, so any shot you choose will be good to go.   I did not personally get into Mineral Basin today, but all reports I got were glowing, with some folks saying it was the best of the season, and who can argue with that, considering how great the Essence was feeling.  Face shots were not at all uncommon, and the energy level was very high.  The next few days will be Utah


perfect, so be there for the Goodness.  I will be there for the first bell.   Peace Out!!

One Response to “SUPER SESSION”

  1. Stephanie says:

    Mineral was indeed some of the best of the season, with no crusty layer in play. However, the line was an issue (but not as much as it was other days of the year). Better than Mineral were the fresh lines and complete lack of traffic on the Cirque as everyone camped out at Mineral and Little Cloud.

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