11-19-10 by dave

When any new coating is to be applied, it is essential to prepare the surface by heavy sanding and scouring.  Today’s wind event worked the hill relentlessly, stripping Regulator of any granule that was not nailed down.   The groomer started out edge-


ably smooth, but quickly became glazed and tricky.   I was fortunate, again today, to get the first Upper Silver Fox gate and Great Scott  of the season just as they opened the gate.   As this picture shows, the upper entrance is still a NO GO, with treacherously thin cover and serious SHARK FINS staring you down.  I went in from Rat’s Nest during the very short window that it was passable and was looking at variable break-ability and wind affected grabbiness.  The left section of the throat had pulled out to the scree, leaving a large hole and exposed scree to deal with.  Overall the coverage was good, though the wind did pull off the cover on the high points.  The Middle Cirque , also had breakable conditions with some areas of granular softness to balance out the challenge. Word from Wilbre Bowl was that it was good snow, but required total commitment and a knowledge of the mandatory air time.  I will be letting those shots fill in a bit more before I venture out that way.   The Peruvian side of the hill had been scoured as well, detailing all the mid slope hazards that will be getting covered up by the next installment.  It is always good to know where those dicey spots are.   Lower Pucker Brush is also very problematic, so use extreme caution threading that needle and the sections of the lower apron that have been cleaned off.  CA-RUNCH!!!  There should be another foot and half of wind again tomorrow, so be aware the Boat may not run.   Snow moving in tomorrow night completes the picture going into the week end.   Get ready for a big one!!! IBBY!!!

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