12-16-12 by dave

I was right about the COMET but I was wrong about not getting accumulation over night, as there was 5” reported but skied like knee deep.  The moisture content was 4%, which was righteous Utah Light and the faithful were on hand to partake of this installment.   Yesterday’s accumulation had been worked over and the ratchet chop had set up, so the ultra light Essence did not buffer the rumble.  With the visibility marginal it was tough to see the variations, and I was taking a beating, but what fun a beating can be.  Everything was open quickly and the choices wide open.  The entrance into the Middle Cirque is still a bit bony, so be aware as you drop in, but the coverage is good overall.  Some of the old crustiness is still evident on the lower mountain, but it was not too problematic and could be mitigated with a long flowing arc.  The forecast is for more significant accumulation overnight with more tomorrow,  making this cycle a perfect pre holiday bonus present.  Getting everything worked over will also go a long way to covering the gnar features, which will be just a memory in short order.   I tried out the Gad Zoom- Little Cloud combination while the Tram line was backed up and it worked like a charm, getting me to the top before I would have moved one cycle in the line, so it is a real nice option to get around the obvious delays.  See you tomorrow for more fun and excitement.  Here is a modified shot of Pipeline I took last season that looks cool in the Black and White format.  Stay Frosty!!DSC00443


  1. Lisa Lewis says:

    Passion and mystique are captured in the black and white photo of the Bird’s Pipeline.

    Everyone who strives to reach their fullest potential in life must read:

    * Snowbird Secrets: A Guide To Big Mountain Skiing

    * Seven Summits

    Both books evolved from those who took the road less traveled.

    Merry Christmas!


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