5-19-24 by dave

The warm overnight temps left the pack primed and ready with sweet sorbet on all sides of the hill right out of the Chute. There was a high cloud deck that filtered the first sunshine, but cleared off rapidly. Mineral Basin offered untracked corduroy that delivered full platform engagement with every turn. I was pretending that it was a back country experience and dialed in as deep a turn as I could using the total positive traction that that sorbet provided. The front of the hill was soft and delightful as well and those early untracked lines were just insane and kept me doing back to back laps to get as much as I could.

Still plenty of snow on the ground, however, the pack at the lower levels in the Canyon are melting off quickly.
Coalpit and the Hyperdermic are still fully fat. Oh Baby!!!

Great tunes were on tap for the apres festivities. The temps were warm and the stoke was high. Such a great day and there is plenty of snow to get the hill to next weekend with great cover. Have a great week. Dial it up, Dial it in!!!

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