4-13-16 by dave

The sky did not look too encouraging from the Valley this morning, and most folks just turned over in bed and did not make the effort.  Up on the hill however, the visibility was quite good, though the light was a bit flat, but the Groomers were just perfect wall to wall on all aspects from the word GO.  Mineral Basin was offering White Diamonds and Lower Silver dipper, with the Lewis and Clark area completing the lap.  The feel was the Powder version of Spring time perfect, where each turn was consistent and sumptuous.  On the front of the hill, both sides of the hill were happening as well, with no time lag in the break, as it had never frozen at all.  What a treat it was to get perfect lines top to bottom with no one there.  Here is a shot I took just before I DSC03750walked in to the Tram to get the First Boat.  Traffic did pick up as the morning moved forward, but those empty runs were just a delight that was a rare gift for those who made the effort.  By Noon, the pack got tracked out a bit and piled up, and the off trail was getting the break that made venturing out off the Groomers a fun exploration.  Clouds did move in and out all day, but the visibility remained good.   Tomorrow, look for some accumulation to have been delivered, as it is raining hard here at the Trailer as I write this.  This first accumulation should be quite high density, so it will stick to the old layer and begin the cushioning feature.  The storm is predicted to get colder as it moves into the Front, so we can expect increasingly lighter density with the drop in the temps..  Expect weather all day, with marginal visibility, storm riding conditions, and improving consistency as the accumulation builds.  See you there for the morning session.   Syrup Won’t Stop ‘EM!!!

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