11-25-10 by dave

The Weatherman was a bit off on the Blizzard, but he got the cold air right.  This morning was , once again, very cold, and the snow was slow and sticky with the frost.  The off trail was setting up a bit with the density and cold, though good turns were to be had  there.  I opted for the perfect Groomers that were just exquisite after the last cycle.   It was so consistent, that I really felt able to lock up the turn and and stick it.  Very nice..  The clear skies and perfect visibility were perfect conditions for the first opening of Little Cloud, which offered a wide variety of consistency from sweet sugar to stiff slab, with the emphasis on stiff wind slab.   The entire intersection of Hoopy’s Crotch had released to the early layers, leaving only exposed scree .  I traversed slowly and carefully across it to get the last North East exposure, that offered very nice sugar fine turns.  MMMM Good..  Thanksgiving desert before noon.   Cold temps and low Sun angle have kept the snow quality high on all exposures.  The wind factor has been the most significant influence  in the snow quality.   Tomorrow look for continued great conditions; conditions that call for the new pair of skis to come out.  I think that it is not out of line, at this juncture, to  mount them up and bring them out. The Upper Cirque is filling in nicely, though you have to walk 10 or 20 feet to get over the rock band, Scott is much more accessible, and more terrain remains to open in the future.  Yes, today is a day to be thankful for.   See you in the AM.   IBBY!!

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