It is very dark early in the morning these days with very light traffic for the opening bell. Energy is high and the first runs down Regulator are smooth with freshly tilled lines that are fun and dialable. This morning was a tad firmer than yesterday, but there was plenty of loose dust on the mat to let even untuned skis grabbing some traction. That flat light is rough for the first hour.
Lower on the hill, the surface had been freshly tilled and keeping a training pace without any pressure top to bottom was fun.
. Big Emma was firm, but offered fair traction to make the turn for the Bass Highway. The new Mid Gad facility has taken shape and will be a great addition to the hill when it is complete. The Crews did a great job putting this up and getting it closed in for the season.
I have lots of great memories from the early days of this facility. Tomorrow, look for more smooth dialing for the opening bell. Expect still firm conditions, but there will be good traction to keep you close to the fall line. I expect continued light traffic, so take advantage of this early season peace on the hill. Dial it up, dial it in!!!