3-01-15 by dave

The hill was graced with a beautiful installment of the most righteous Essence of the season. Though the Bird site quoted 4” of freshness, there seemed to be quite a bit more on many aspects.   The faithful turned out in full force for the occasion and they were not disappointed.  With such light product, the old layer was fully in play, with the Groomers offering the smoothest lines.  I went far and wide today to survey the hill, and was surprised by the overall depth globally.  White Diamonds had been buffed before the snow fell, and it offered boot top excellence that carried top to bottom.  I went out to the far reaches of the Exotic Trees, where I found great feeling fluff, however the interference patterns there are sporting some high amplitude, though the underlying quality is still holding the cold.  On some of the traverses there was some serious glaze poking through that required close attention.  Here is a shot I took from  way out in Thunder Bowl.  I had to take it very slow and easy to negotiate the variations.  It was a fun diversion from the usual pattern and made me dig deep into the bag of tricks.  DSC02631Tomorrow, look for some additional accumulation as the patten is still pumping moisture into the area, with snow falling all day long.  The Groomers will still be killer, so look for the fresh tilled lines for the smooth feel.  The High North continues to provide the cold dry chalk underneath the new product, so look there for consistency.   Those West and South facing aspects are quite crunchy, though as we get more cover, those issues should mitigate as we move through this cycle.  It is great to have this new accumulation to keep the party going.  See you there for the deep fun.  Don’t forget to SIZZLE!!

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