2-28-14 by dave

The faithful were in full attendance this morning to celebrate the installment that was delivered yesterday and last night.  Lighter density snow fell yesterday, but as the brunt of the storm hit later in the day, it began to deliver very high density Essence that rested on top of the lighter layer, which is an upside down snow pack.  The untracked was feeling very spreadable, but as you loaded the turn the turn would wash out as the lighter layer gave way beneath the force of the turn.  It caught me a bit off guard to begin, but it was easy to deal with using a light touch.  The interference patterns had been filled in, but echos of the crunch where still reverberating beneath the new coating.  The Peruvian Gulch opened, followed shortly by Mineral Basin, which went a long way to spread the crowd out over the hill, relieving the  pressure on the Tram.  Clouds moved in after Noon as the next system moves into the Front.   Tomorrow, look for another great day as big accumulation is forecast and a storm riding day should be expected.  The wind really started working some of the exposures as the velocity picked up, making those particular lines smooth run after run and you have to love that.  There will be high pressure for the goods and an early start will get you a head start on the day.  I will be taking the day off to recoup and get ready for Sunday.  Here is a shot of Toad Hill as the wind was working the high elevations.  Get ready for fun, see you Sunday.  Peace Out!DSC01883

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