2-09-24 by dave

With cold temps, and an active atmosphere, some righteous Utah Light Essence was delivered overnight adding to the run of great snow this past week. The Faithful mounted a full court press and got to the hill early and strong for the festivities. The uber light snow was piling up fast and the visibility was marginal, though there was enough detail to get a fair look at the terrain. Lines were fluffy, however, that substrate from the previous days of high traffic were reflecting through.

The Jazzman working his hunches about where the goods lay on a day with lots of possibilities.
This is the spicy line that The Jazzman selected for a solo descent into the Deep!!

Traffic lightened up as the day wore on, leaving the lines much quicker, with a bit more casual pace. Tomorrow, look for more soft lines to find as there are still areas waiting in the wings, so keep an ear to the rail.

Jake sent this great shot of the hike to Baldy today with the wind swept formations standing tall to the wind.

Looks like the constant flow is backing off, with fair weather coming for the next week, so enjoy the soft snow and great turns that will be happening. IBBY!!

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