2-10-13 by dave

Curiously, there was  more accumulation here at the Trailer than there was up on the hill.  The light density Essence did not cushion the rumble over yesterday’s chop, which required that you pay attention to the details.  The visibility started out with some Sun out in Mineral Basin, where everyone was going for the untracked, but the big smooth had been provided courtesy of the Cat Crew.  I just love those lines that we all used to dream about before the chair was put in.  Now we get to hit it daily.  Yum!  Visibility continued to be intermittent all day, but there was adequate reference on most sections.  Tomorrow, look for more overnight accumulation, a bit  mellower crowd, and some very nice lines to check out.  The snow density was fairly high DSC01269as I was leaving, so perhaps we will get a bit of cushion  for a better ride overall.  The hill is in great shape wall to wall, with some of the sections offering some rare velvet.  Here is a shot of some rare Mountain Shrooms I happened across way out in the far reaches during the Lewis and Clarke sojourns.  See you for the first Boat.  Ciao!!

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