12-03-09 by dave

I am glad I bought that double soft shell last July as I tried it out during today’s deep freeze and  it seems to work just right.  This Thursday morning had the Tram not running due to a freeze up on regulator due to a leak in the snow system.  They were working hard on the situation and had a winch cat trying to get it up and running, however, I had blazed out of there before it got going.  The Temps. were very cold though the Sun was clear and warm.  The Groomers were dry, chalky, and as good as they get.  Good edge- ability and low attendance provided a better chance to let loose a bit more.  With all the folks around one feels constrained.  The Bass Highway remains a problem, making the Shuttle a good call.   Another cold night on tap should let the guns get a better finish on Regulator, so first bucket is the call for  the freshest Gun Powder.  Dress warmly and think deep thoughts!! Ciao !

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