Very Toasty

5-17-09 by dave

I checked the Snowbird site before leaving the trailer and the peak was reporting 44 degrees. Any thoughts of a tour were quickly dispensed with.  I hit the Forklift chair first thing ,so that I would not miss the window, short though it was.  Again, minimal grooming in the back country areas left little to work with, but it certainly was enough.  The lions share of folks took advantage of Mineral Basin and left the front side to the top to bottom crew.   20 minute Trams gave way to a casual back to back program making the laps much easier to negotiate.  The off trail was still pretty rough and took slow careful turns to get through it.  The Baldy access was open and lots of takers were going for the Baldy chutes.  The temps. were warm and getting warmer, and I had to bail at 12:30 PM when the dreaded glue spots cropped up. It is usually that time of day that the high North gets going, but I was mowing the lawn and getting the swamper going before the heat wave hits.  A very nice day, and I had fun.  The Paving Season begins officially tomorrow for yours truly, so I will say so long for now and think cool thoughts for me, Thank You!!!

One Response to “Very Toasty”

  1. George says:

    Yo Dave
    Cocktails on the deck at George & Lynn’s Sat. after 7pm
    come on by

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