5-05-10 by dave

Wednesday morning was a beauty with clear skies, cool temps. and high winds on the peak.  The wind had transported some of the loose snow to the High North facing aspects filling in the troughs with very dry chalky velvet, making the off trail on those aspect quite nice indeed.  Mineral Basin was the first to dial in the softness with no waiting involved.  The front side of the hill had been worked nicely, providing perfect dry winter conditions down to the last 1000′, where lower Primrose Path had been given the favor of a fresh mow.  The consistency there was just lovely, having just a hint of granular essence that just felt like heaven all  the way down.  I just kept hitting that bit of wonder all morning before it went away.  Regulator was excellent as well after tenderizing had been done to give it some tooth.  The softening window moved up to about 10:30 AM with the higher morning temps, so the folks getting there around that time were getting the prime time.  Tomorrow, look for  continued great skiing with all the big drops fully filled and looking good, though you might want to wait a bit for the softening to kick in.  Follow the Sun, and that will get you the best of the day.  I have been redeployed to deal with yet another incursion of DARK ENERGY in the ongoing DARK MATTER WAR, so you can rest assured that the Galactic Defense is on the case.  Think of me in the AM. as first Tram leaves the Dock.   Ciao!!!

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