12-17-09 by dave

The groomers were ultra perfect wall to wall this Thursday morning.  There were no slick spots and all turns, top to bottom, were right on the money.  The extensive snow making on the Peruvian side covered the most sketchy areas making for a solid run from peak to base.  The carve-ability was flawless letting you commit to the fall line and not feel like the rug is going to be pulled from underneath you if you hit some ice.  The lower Mens Down hill Chute is in very good shape.  I did not find any slickness until after 1:00PM.  The bumps are developing off of the Chips switch backs and the cover is good but suspect, use caution if you dive off there.   The off trail crud is getting set up and needs an aggressive approach . Rat’s Nest is now hammered so know that going in.  Very light  traffic let us go for back to back Trams all day , which raises the energy level.  I love these pre holiday days, I try to hang on to each and very one.   The West facing is getting worked to the edges helping get the base more consistent and good to go.  Over all conditions are set up to get real good real fast so be ready for the next installment.  In the mean time the buffed groomers rule and , by them selves, make the skiing special. Take advantage of the early runs with now folks.  See you on first Tram.  IBBY!!!

One Response to “WALL TO WALL”

  1. George Tratiak says:

    Hey Davy
    Nice to read your website while I’m rehabing…Keep
    keep up the good work
    Miss you guys see you soon

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