It was a warm morning with bright Sun, many great prepared lines on all sides of the hill and fairly light traffic. Silver Dipper and Lower Lonestar were given the industrial smoothing efforts in Mineral Basin that were spectacular and just getting the break from the early morning rays. It was great to get a look at the entire hill with high resolution to get a handle on all the smooth wind worked lines that will come into play when we get fresh Essence in the next few days. The front of the hill was a bit firm to start, but as the day warmed up, the prepared lines became soft and dialable top to bottom. Got to love that.

Tomorrow, look for clouds, developing weather as the next low pressure works it’s way into the Front for the next couple of days, which will deliver over a foot of fresh Essence and more upstream next week. Winter is not over yet by any stretch. The hill is in great shape top to bottom and it is great to have all the entrances and traverses with plenty of cover, but there are small sections that need to be given care while treading the fringes. Remain Standing!!!