A quick cold front blew thru during the pre opening hours, leaving a withering wind in it’s wake and clearing skies to go with it. Great machine worked lines were on tap on all sides of the hill that had a much firmer feel, however, there was plenty of traction to keep you dialing in the carpet feeling turns top to bottom. Anderson’s Hill and Lower Primrose path were vacant for the first couple of laps, with Mineral Basin calling the crowd to the bright sunny bowls. Those direct facing aspect did certainly get worked by the rays and were crispy, with the off trail tricky and inconsistent. The North facing aspects were still holding the cold dry chalk out on the traverse, though the interference patterns have been building in. I will be looking for some wind smoothing on some aspects that have promise, so keep your eye out in the AM for some silky smooth sections possible.

Pipeline Bowl looking huge from the bottom of Mark Malu. You can see the build up of traffic patterns that are wide spread and are becoming increasingly higher in amplitude. Also, note the subtle orb making an appearance. Tomorrow, look for another warming day, with even firmer prepared lines, though I think the dry cold snow will respond to the tillers in fine shape for the morning laps. Nothing like smooth wide open lines with no one around. Traffic was quite light today, and tomorrow will likly be similar. See you there for the early morning smooth driving laps. Keep it tight!!