4-25-13 by dave

It was warmer this morning, but there was still a nip in the air.  The hill is still holding the cold on the North aspects, and the worked Mineral Basin sections were dry and chalky for the morning session.  The West side of the hill was really crispy, and it took until 1:00PM to get any softening going.  Peruvian Gulch had the best all day conditions, with the dry chalk holding up top to bottom, with the lower elevations softening slowly as the day progressed.  The High North off trail was still holding up, despite the low amplitude rumble, and offered a nice distraction from the hard driving Groomers.  The forecastDSC01470 is for continued warming throughout the weekend, so the thaw sequence will be accelerated as the day moves on. The sticky factor has held off nicely, but with the added warmth, the glue will crop up later in the afternoon.  Again, follow the Sun for the best use of the thaw factor, as today kept the goodness going all around the dial.  I think there will be a hard freeze again overnight, and the morning air will be cold again, so dress for cold with rapid warming.  I dropped the hat and heavy gloves after Noon, so look to drop layers as it warms up.  Here is a shot of Spring pushing the new buds to open on this aspen.  Click on the photo once, and then again as it will go to full page, where you will see the fuzzy buds getting ready to leaf out.  No stopping time I guess, though sometimes it would be nice.    IBBY!!

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