1-03-14 by dave

A change in the weather began to make itself known just as the forecast predicted.  The day was prefaced by some very nice Sunshine, which illuminated Mineral Basin that made the sweet corduroy out there a nice week ending treat.  I went out the far reaches and got this look into Alta just over the border line. The wind was  working the peak and began to deposit some freshness in the low points.  Some lines are smoothing out in places as the dry chalk gets worked.  That is kind of counter intuitive as it seems there would be bigger bumps, but it gets smoother.  Baldy opened today and it had good reports.  I am going to wait until the next time to venture there, but it looked well covered with plenty of lines to choose from. The lights went out as the day progressed, making the visibility go flat.  Bummer.   Tomorrow, look for some overnight accumulation, some visibility issues, and a welcome return of fresh Essence.  I will be taking the day off, so I will miss the day, but I will get the down low from my sources.  Get there early for the best of the day and work the known lines for continuity.   See you Sunday!   Stay Frosty!!DSC01725

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