11-14-10 by dave

There was an ultra fine mist falling on my windshield this morning as I pulled into the lot.  It was freezing as it landed, which did not bode well for the visibility.  First Tram proved to be a real challenge as the clouds hung low and the fine mist froze quickly to the goggle lenses, requiring a  frequent stop to scrape them off.  The grooming was perfect ensuring that there were no surprises.  It is times like this that force you to focus on the inner rider, where one holds the balance in the mind.  Working on this discipline during these conditions pays off when visibility returns and the fine motor memory kicks in.   The snow quality was very nice with the frozen mist slowly piling up, providing a smooth consistency.  I must admit I could only deal with this IFR condition for three runs, but I will be back tomorrow , when just the Tram and Chickadee will be open.   I don’t think Tram traffic will be an issue and I expect some overnight snow to make the morning good to go.  This bit of precip. did not give any more cushion to let you venture off the beaten path, but as we get more product the off trail will improve.  In the mean time this time presents a great opportunity to dial in some solid early season training.   It was kind of funny as we all came off the mountain, with  the freezing rain making us look like glazed donuts . See you dark and early.   Ciao!!

One Response to “WHITE MIST”

  1. EB says:

    I am getting in on December 5th. I have been waiting for this for 8 months. What are the odds that Snowbird will have a weeks worth of terrain open? I was there this time last year and Regulator got old after 6 days in a row.

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