1-11-22 by dave

The hill was wide open today, with smooth cruisers letting you stretch out and dial up some serious juice. Mineral Basin was offering bright Sun, carpets of AHHHHH and very little traffic to pack in as much vertical as possible. I finally felt like I was making the turns I know I can make. On the front side of the hill, lots of great lines were to be had, too, with very little traffic and very fast access for the return for more vertical.

Hellgate sporting a couple of very interesting lines that beg the question, where did they go when they ran out of road??

Temps were amazingly warm, but the pack remained nicely refrigerated and did not begin to morph. Dry chalky lines stayed smooth all day and very little chatter built up. Tomorrow, look for more bright Sun, fast ripping lines on all sides of the hill. Follow the Sun for the best illumination, and enjoy the smoothness and dialability that is happening now. These are some very special days indeed. Feet don’t fail me now!!!

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