11-23-14 by dave

As anticipated, the storm kicked in overnight depositing a significant accumulation of the Essential Substance.  When I parked the car  I had a difficult time getting the door opened as the depth was considerable.  At the opening bell, there was a sizable showing of the Faithful who knew full well that it was going to be good, and they were not wrong.  The quality was perfect, with a cold density that offered cushion and consistency on and off the groomed surface.  Still, there was just the one run open, but is seemed to be a bit more laid back on the run.  Below the delineated rope areas you could stretch out a grab some fresh turns where yesterday that would have been dubious at best.  It was a real treat for me to be able to dial in a turn as opposed to shmearing a half hearted directional movement.  It made me feel like I could still make a real turn.  The Chair closed after a couple runs to deal with the control issues, but restarted after a fair delay.  Then, as the dance resumed, the folks were getting right back after it.  Here is a shot of a bit of accumulation on the Plaza deck.   I don’t think this shot does justice to the real depth of the new Essence.  Here is also a shot of the new freshness dressing the Stone monument on the Plaza Deck that looks  like is right at home, which, of course, it is. DSC02298DSC02299Tomorrow, look for the snow to have continued overnight with possible continued accumulation thru the day.  Dress for the weather and the colder temps.  There probably will not be any additional terrain opening, but that is subject to change perhaps.  No one was making any projections.  The quality will be perfect on the main run that is open, so be there early for the best of the day.  The snow quality, once again, is stellar and is a nice kick off to this early season opener.  See you there dark and early.  IBBY!!

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