High pressure continues, with hard pack wall to wall, but the snow pack is consolidating in a good way with long wind smooth lines in many locals. Here is a shot of Mineral Basin, where if you look closely you can see folks finding the goods that stayed very nice all day long. I was mining gold out back there until later in the afternoon, so great options exist if you look around for the goods. The mornings are still a bit brisk, but the air warms up fairly quickly, and after breakfast I was able to dress down, put on light gloves, and roll with just sunglasses. There is still quite light traffic and there is no waiting, so tomorrow will be even mellower. Full on groomers are so sweet when the corduroy makes that whiring and zizzing sound as the edges shave off the nap. The Cat Crew has been punching some nice new lines on the lower mountain, with the the gut gathering the shaved dust making those lines ultra silky smooth. Got to love when perfect is perfect. Expect more versions of perfection tomorrow, and look for the wind and traffic to continue to smooth some of the off trail gems. See you there for first Boat. Stay Frosty!!!
1-21-13 by dave