1-09-13 by dave

The wind worked the hill over night transporting snow to the hollow sections of the hill.  The wind continued to transport all day long improving the smooth lines as the tracks filled in as soon as you passed.  The warmer temps. associated with the South wind ahead of the next system made the day that much more special.  The grooming was polished over in some spots with the moving snow, but some of the sections were stripped of any loose snow leaving them a bit crusty, but the soft filled lines made up for it.  The next system seems to be juicy, so this next stretch could be fun.  The coverage is good overall and the next installment will really freshen dance floor.  The low amplitude rumble will probably still be reflecting though in the early stages of the storm, but enough additional accumulation will make all that interference go away quickly.  Tomorrow, look for the smooth lines from today to be worked even more overnight, though the overcast might put a damper on the visibility. That Sunshine today was a treat after yesterday’s Rhime Ice event which really made seeing tough.  Here is a shot of the high traverse past the Hillary Step which shows the smooth build up of transported goodness.  Mineral Basin was really going off today and I got a heaping helping of sweetness in the back all day long.  See you on the first Boat!!   IBBY!!DSC01178

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