2-12-21 by dave

It was as windy and stormy day today, with The Faithful in attendance for the occasion. There was plenty of accumulation during the day and some of the big lines were happening and were on tap for those who knew the pulse of the hill.

Mike Mc Carthy out on Baldy today, getting the smooth goodness that going that far out will deliver.
Flyin’ Brian Beck getting his share out on Baldy and blowing it up with full Power Glide.
Mikey M digging in deep and experiencing full platform engagement.

The hill is prime wall to wall with great conditions and a lot more snow on the way for the next few days, measured in feet. Get ready for The Promise of The Wasatch, which will blow expectations and deliver the dream we have been awaiting. Tomorrow, look for heavy snow storm conditions, and limited access to the hill as the conditions become extreme. Keep your sense of position on the hill as the visibility goes South. It’s going to be big. Stay Frosty!!!

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