5-26-24 by dave

After yesterday’s rain, snow, rain storm, the hill was covered with an extra dusting of cold dry fluff that gave the pack a real Winter feel. There was plenty of traction on the just firm surfaces and the off trail was offering some soft lines, though the static was interesting. I was sticking with the prepared lines on the front side of the hill.

Mikey M forwarded this shot of Professor Tom getting fresh lines on Baldy this morning

Visibility was excellent with the Sun coming out full force around Noon. As the Sun popped out, the dry snow began to get intermittently sticky. A great band was playing on the deck for the apres festivities and the Sun was warm and luxurious. Tomorrow, look for more good, last of the season turns, with plenty of up hill capacity to get you your fill going into the long hot Summer

Check out these boards fitted out with Pow Lights. They were glowing like a beacon!! Coming to skis as well.

See you there early for the best corduroy lines of the day. I expect some overnight chill, so it might be a tad crispy in the AM. Straight Ahead!!!

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