4-03-11 by dave

I came blazing through the HYPER DIMENSIONAL PORTAL late last night, and my atomic structure is still unavoidably miss aligned.  I did, however, make it to the hill to catch the third Tram of the morning.  How things change in a very short time.  The recent rain event that occurred, just ahead of the cold air,  set the snow pack up right to the peak.  The spring like conditions, and the good visibility, resulted in some significant interference patterns developing, where there had been the big mountain smooth.  The 14” of new frosting called to the faithful, who responded to that call with punctuality, backing the Tram line up early.  The chairs, however, were seemingly vacant, so I took advantage of the “ski on” availability, and got a lot of extra turns despite the full court press.  The higher density frosting was a welcome feature, cushioning the crust underneath, though the bottom was fully in play until things got tracked out.  As the product got worked, it seemed to bond to the harsh layer, softening the impact, and making the ride much more consistent.  Though the Sun was peaking out from time to time, the cold air combined with the continued snow fall, kept the snow pack from deteriorating to any significant degree.  Tomorrow, look for the groomers to be dance floor smooth, and the off trail to still offer some very nice lines.  I have not seen the weather report, as I am still discombobulated from my reassembly, but in any case the hill has rebounded from the spring transition that worked the hill last week.   I will have a much more detailed report for tomorrow’s post after I spend some more quality time scouting the far reaches.   IBBY!!!

3 Responses to “WINTER RETURN”

  1. Jack says:

    ‘rain event?’ We like to refer to last night’s situation as a ‘non-snow weather event.’ Hardly had any scrapage today…. just on some of the steeper stuff. The 14″ top coat was goooooood and grew though out the day.

  2. Jack says:

    glad yer’ back

  3. BoSoxs says:

    Readin’ your blog and we are very envious back East. We have had a banner year but alot of it would be termed ‘Dust on Crust” back here in terms of soft days.

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