5-29-11 by dave

It was back to Winter this morning, attended by a small, but loyal group of faithful, who answered the call despite the 3” report.  The rain pounded all night long on the skin of the Trailer, and I thought for sure we would see quite a bit more than that, but it was quite accurate.  Full winter white out conditions prevailed, making Mineral Basin a challenge.  I went with my memorized lines to get the smoothest ride, but I could not see much, and the large roller balls would loom out of the fog, making quick direction changes a must.  There seemed to be more accumulation on the front of the hill, where the High North and West faces offered 5 or 6” of accumulation, depending on the aspect.  Again, the covered small roller balls  from yesterday could be felt, and sudden tip deflection was a concern. By 10:00 AM, the rain soaked lower snow pack began to build up some formidable harbor chop that transcended any previous density this season.  It was thick and rasty, and I went looking for the higher elevations for relief.  There is more precipitation in the forecast, so tomorrow may provide some additional product to play in.  The mountain is fairly smooth overall, but those West facing shots off the Cirque Traverse are still littered with debris in a big way, creating some serious injury potentials.  A word to the wise!!  The entrances to the High North are stunning in coverage, and are worth a look just to see the total

Winter on May 29

absence of the reefs and spires that usually need to be dealt with this time of the season.  Here is a shot of yours truly, taken by Jay Dash of POWDER SHOTS, which illustrates the Winter like conditions of today.  I could not get a shot today due to the visibility, so a BIG thanks to Mr. Dash!!  Be there early tomorrow to get  the best the day has to offer.  IBBY!!!

2 Responses to “WINTER WHITEOUT”

  1. Old boy says:

    I just wanted to let you know how much I truly enjoy your reports! When I can’t ski the bird because I’m either stuck at work or traveling overseas or as today just worn out from a big bike ride the previous day, I always look up your reports to get the beta on what the conditions are from the previous day. Like a scouting report, they allow me to avoid the hazards and possible unseen dangers that can ruin your season, that you just don’t know unless you are out there day in and day out.

    Kevin “Old boy”

    PS; Ohh yeah Great Photo! and excellent ski techinique! hips, shoulders etc! You Make it look easy! Cheers

  2. dave says:

    Thanks for the props Old Boy. I really have fun writing the posts and doing the actual recon work. What you articulated is the ultimate goal I had envisioned for the site. I wanted it to be both a snap shot of how the day played out and what I would tell you had you called me on the phone for a heads up, so I am happy that I am hitting the mark.. Be Well and say KUHL!!

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