4-13-10 by dave

The rain beat on the roof of the trailer all night long, making such a racket that I could not wait for the morning to come.  When the racket stopped I though that it was all over, but the giant flakes were building up on the dish array.  No road closure  for the morning ride up the hill, where 8” of high density cold product in the parking lot ramped up the stoke factor just that much more.  I was not alone, as the faithful were hot on my heals for the goods, packing the Tram line while waiting for the hill to get going.  Regulator was the only run available offering knee deep sweetness that helped cushion the West facing crunch that lay just below. A lighter sauce would have been much more difficult, so the extra heft was a welcome feature.   The Peruvian side of the hill opened around 11’ish, where deeper transported frosting made for full face shot blasts turn after turn.  Working the steepest sections was key on that side of the hill as it was too deep to get any speed going on the lower angle slopes.  “Winona” was stopped cold in her tracks on Upper Primrose while trying to drive the fall line, due to the fact that she does not weigh enough to over come the resistance, but that is not a bad problem.  I retreated to the Forklift Chairs to get away from the frantic push for the Tram , which filled the Maze and stretched across the plaza after the Peruvian side opened, pulling the chair riders back to access the top of the hill.  Tomorrow look for the North facing to hold the softest crud and the unopened areas should open as fast as they can get to them.  April is fulfilling my predictions for the month… Whew!!!.  Of course it took all of our focused intentions to get the weather pattern to change in our favor, so nice work.  Lets bring in the second half of the month with even more of the special sauce that we crave.   See you in the AM.   Peace Out!!!

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